Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Me being the courtesan I am, has successfully talked my partner into leaving L.A. for Christmas, only to hear we’re going to Palm Fucking Springs. I think ‘Fuck’ should be in the title.

Ugghdfiwehnf I hate sounding like the spoiled 21 year old I am but commmmeee onnnn. I LITERALY, LITERALY, in full use of this word, had a 20 minute conversation with a ‘young, hot, fresh, talented’ star on the rise that EVERYONE under 30 knows and she did coke the entire time. When a small trickle of blood started falling towards her mouth, she stuffed her cocktail napkin in her nose, said ‘oops’ and continued to talk about “how jealous she is of Natalie Portman’s body in ‘Black Swan’ and didn’t I know she auditioned for the role?” How the fuck would I know?
Got offered a ‘supporting leading role’ on a TV show ONLY because I was being forced to go to a reading by my partner and I felt like an idiot, I hated it. I didn’t belong there. Yes I got the part, no I don’t want it. Why is that so hard to believe? I did it to get him off my back and be left in peace to hike the hills and read in the hot tub in peace. I leave him in peace when he looks at all the tits and ass that L.A. is built on. Return the favor!
Do I like meaningless office work? Of course not. Do I like meaningless acting roles? Of course not. There should be a middle ground.

Perhaps its time I find myself a hot little something on the side to take my mind of all of this. Then I’ll really have something to write about.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Thanksgiving has come and gone and I’m still here. Fucking LA. Well, not fucking LA but in fucking LA.
I hate being anywhere that’s not cold in December, takes the fake cheer right out of the season. Tried to go shopping at The Grove but it was just too fucking depressing. All this money being tossed around and right ‘round the corner is Skid Row. Can’t wait for the shit smiling celebrities to take photos ‘volunteering’ to feed the homeless in all the rag mags. Preaching about ‘the reason for the season’ while they all do coke off the tables at the clubs (I’ve been forced to attend) at night. Yes, I've seen it.
Also very strange LA facts? All these models/actresses/singers/reality stars claim they never workout and eat whatever they want and I see, well HEAR, them throwing up their 75 dollar sushi at Katsuya in Hollywood, once at The Ivy. Eww.

My current partner (lets be real, sugar d) deals with a lot of celebrities and beautiful fuckers so there are endless amounts of stupid tat I could write about. This blog has become less about my sexcapades and more about my hate for LA. I’m a smart girl, I went to college, earned a 4.0 gpa and still managed to play a varsity sport yet I stay and punish myself in this place. I’ve become accustomed to a life style, I can just do without all the pretty bullshit.

The thing is, any city I’ve loved, London, NY, Paris, they don’t buy into the bullshit. Here they eat it up with a fucking spoon. I find no one in LA that wants to talk about anything other then their botox, self tanner, blow and coffee diet. Everyone here is gonna make it, with non moving foreheads and perky D cup breast.

At parties I’m a ‘nobody’ since I’m not in the business, people walk right past me till they realize who I’m fucking. After they do, they try and talk to me, as if I care. I bring up subjects like Dostoevsky or Immanuel Kant just to make them sweat. “Oh I loved his last film,” I can’t help but laugh uncontrollably.

I know I’m no better in what I do then they, I love being what I am, I love being able to be free and not work but Jesus, try and educate ones self with more then Instyle magazine. Pick up a fucking book.